• ヴェニュー
    • No. 1 Yùmén Street; Zhongshan District; Taipei City; Taiwan
  • 日付
    Apr 19, 2014
    Sat 00:00 - Sun 05:00
  • 興味がある
    • 1
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    The KDMS (live), Artur 8, DJ Nina, DJ Kay
  • シェアする
  • The KDMS is an international supergroup - or rather super-duo. Consisting of a Polish native, Silesian-bred electronic wunderkind and massively talented producer and musician, Max Skiba and prolific British singer, the true disco diva for the 21st century, Kathy Diamond, the project is currently taking the world by storm through a string of hit singles for the ever-expanding Gomma label. The KDMS combine hypnotic rhythms with addictive pop melodies carrying clever lyrics - a rare achievement in todays formulaic world of club-inspired pop music. "Never Stop Believing" or "Tonight" are definitely bound to please for more than one season. The KDMS' successfully fuse a sort of Slavic sensibility and ambiguity with typically British sophistication and a peculiar sense of humor. The KDMS是一個跨國際的超級雙人Nu Disco團體,由來自波蘭的音樂神童/音樂家/製作人 Max Skiba,和作品超級豐富的英國籍Disco Diva/女歌手 Kathy Diamond所組成。隸屬於英國最大唱片廠牌之一:Gomma 旗下,並且發行多首暢銷歌曲的The KDMS目前正以睿不可擋的姿態席捲全球。The KDMS的音樂結合了有近乎催眠效果的節奏和讓人聽了就上癮的流行旋律加上巧妙的歌詞,在當今的流行音樂圈子當中獨樹一格。他們的暢銷單曲"Never Stop Believing"和 "Tonight"都是超級耐聽的經典作品。 睽違兩年,再度巡迴亞洲,4/19在台北唯一的一場演出,保證值得樂迷朝聖!
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    • 料金
      $600 NT at the door, $500 NT pre-sale
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