Innocent Music Showcase Lemuralia

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    Aney F. (Innocent Music, Moan, Inmotion, Wiggle :: Slovenia) Matt Keyl (Innocent Music, Elrow, Inmotion, Wiggle :: Italy) Uno Taman (Innocent Music :: Slovenia) RINI Shkembi (Innocent Music, Helpiscoming :: Italy) Mike Teknii (Innocent Music, Waeves :: Italy)
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  • LEMURALIA The ancient Romans used to prepare a feast every year during which they performed rites to exorcise the malevolent and fearful spirits of the dead from their homes. Theese shades were called lemures and represented the wandering ghosts of those not given proper burial by the living. We believe that many unrestless souls roam in the Mezzanine of the Embassy of 3rd Europe and we are of course talking about souls of all the music that haunts the people and burn their hearts with nostalgy. It's time to look forward and put the past behind. Innocent Music is preparing a feast and we do not intend to throw any beans like the Romans did. We're going to throw some serious beats.
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