Suck House Lovers Night with Dustywork - Droneghost - Samuel M

  • ヴェニュー
    Macarena Club
    • Carrer Nou de Sant Francesc, 5; 08002 Barcelona; Spain
  • 日付
    Fri, Jul 11, 201423:59 - 06:00
  • 興味がある
    • 2
  • Established with the aim of exploring the border line between techno and experimental dance music, we try to support artists and productions with eclectic touch, bold and able to renew itself cyclically, without locking into a single genre. The 7th of July will be released SHL01, our first reference from Dustywork and TÆDIUM on majors digital stores, so we wish to celebrate this special event at Macarena Microclub with 3 different dj's with an unique aim: Techno. If you wish to get in touch with us please feel free to send us mail here: Here the link for the entire audio stream of the e.p.
  • Suck House Lovers Night with Dustywork - Droneghost - Samuel M - フライヤー表