Rone, Thug Entrancer, Photay

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    Rone, Thug Entrancer (Software), Photay (Astro Nautico)
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  • -RONE- Rone (otherwise known as Erwan Castex) is one of the most acclaimed French musicians on the electronic scene. He studied film at university and worked on a number of productions whilst pursuing music in his spare time. InFiné came across some of his tracks on the web (“Bora”) and got in touch with him. From then on, things went very fast: he released his debut EP (2008), performed his first live show at the Rex Club and released his first album, ‘Spanish Breakfast’, in 2009. With the release of ‘Tohu Bohu’ in the autumn of 2012, things reached a whole new high. Now living in Berlin, the artist’s creative juices seem to be flowing like never before, combining a melodic straightforwardness with the firmly harnessed power of analog soundscapes. -THUG ENTRANCER [SOFTWARE]- A summation of varied approaches to electronic music, Thug Entrancer draws influence from pioneering electronic and experimental composers. -PHOTAY [ASTRO NAUTICO]-
  • Rone, Thug Entrancer, Photay - フライヤー表