Norman Jay...Up On The Roof

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    Norman Jay (3 hr Good Times Set) Don Letts Count Skylarkin DJ Shepdog
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  • Up On The Roof teams up with Norman Jay and Skylarkin' Soundsystem to round off Brixton Splash with an almighty bang once again. Norman Jay's rooftop sets at The Prince of Wales are the stuff of legend - all-inclusive, ram-jammed, unpretentious parties. Aiding and abetting Sir Norman on August's installment are BBC 6Music disc jockey, punk film maker and culture-clash icon Don Letts, righteous reggae party-starter DJ Shepdog and rum & bass specialist Count Skylarkin. DJ Shepdog (Nice Up!) A professional DJ for over 20 years, Shep is a self confessed musical nerd. Comfortable playing a vast range of styles, his infectious passion behind the turntables is best expressed playing reggae, soul, funk, disco, RnB, pop, house, dubstep and drum & bass. He never fails to get the party started, which might explain repeat bookings at festivals like Glastonbury, Bestival, The Big Chill and many more. In between he somehow finds time to run two record labels - the reggae rooted NICE UP! and the more funk flavoured Digga Please, both of which count Annie Mac and Craig Charles amongst their fans. Don Letts (BBC 6Music) Don Letts is all about the history and legacy of Jamaican culture; this after years spent nailing Jamaican music to the British musical map in the first place. In the late '70s he was the link between the burgeoning punk and reggae scenes and, as he said himself: "The only white people you would see at a Jah Shaka dance in Dalston would be The Sex Pistols, The Clash... my friends." A reknowned filmmaker – Letts directed his first, The Punk Rock Movie in 1978 and his most recent, Made In Sheffield 30 years later, his career is adorned with inspired, unlikely happenings like befriending Bob Marley in a London hotel, accompanying a pre-gazillionaire-status Richard Branson to Jamaica, setting up a clothes shop so cool it spawned a club, releasing an awesome autobiography, Culture Clash: Dread Meets Punk Rockers, winning a Grammy in 2003, and most recently hosting the Red Bull Music Academy's Culture Clash at the Roundhouse in London. Count Skylarkin (Trojan Records) From compiling TDK D90s in the early 90s to touring with The Wailers, remixing for Trojan Records and performing in front of thousands at festivals all around the world, Count Skylarkin has been making people dance for the past two decades – specialising in new and vintage reggae, rocksteady, Jamaican ska, hot swing, jump blues, dancehall, hip hop and jungle vinyl, turntablism, pork-pie hats, dapper suits and guaranteed good times.
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