Where To Now #4

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    FDG - (Hobo Cubes), Ozel AB, R Elizabeth, Charles Drakeford
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  • For WTN#4 we're moving down the road from our usual spot to pitch up at KLUB TROP in the basement at 182 Stoke Newington Road. It's dinky joint so don't sleep on the tickets. Charles Drakeford The From The Depths bossman with them slabs you like so much. FDG - aka Francesco De Gallo - LIVE All the way from Montreal. Our dear friend, NO EXP and Hobo Cult head honcho, and the man behind one of our all time favourite WTN? releases will be bringing that good shit that only he knows how to bring. Ozel AB- LIVE Oh yes! The Lobster Theremin alumnus bringing nothing but rare live stompers. If you know you know, if you don't...school yourself. R Elizabeth - LIVE Live worked tape loops and vocal excursions. Ethereal somnambulic-electonics to take you to the other place. A future WTN? release is in the works. Be ready.
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