Red Bull Music Academy Présente Sonic A/Vantgarde

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    Mondkopf (Live A/V) Vessel (Live A/V) visuals: Pedro Maia Laurel Halo (Live A/V) visuals: Trik Barri Inga Copeland (Live A/V) visuals: Dan Mitchell Noahs Heark (Live A/V) visuals: Pixel Carré
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  • As a celebration of electronic music's continually evolving relationship with audiovisual technology, Red Bull Music Academy brings together cutting edge artists for a special night of live performances using the immersive 360° screens at of La Gaîté lyrique. Hyperdub's Laurel Halo brings her thunderous synthesizer and processed vocal exercises and Inga Copeland (formerly of Hype Williams) offers off-kilter melodics, while French producer Mondkopf works through dark electro and Tri Angle's Vessel explores the eeriest frequencies of the low-end. Support on the night comes from Red Bull Music Academy participant Noahs Heark. The show will get streamed live on ARTE Concert:
  • Red Bull Music Academy Présente Sonic A/Vantgarde - フライヤー表