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    Kamixlo + Edwin
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  • Join us to celebrate the last Friday night before Christmas at Santa Tecla. After 6 years at Santa Tecla, PWP will be moving permanently to a new and exciting location with a new identiy and new sound laucnhing on January 15th 2016 during MFW. The new location will be confimed on the 1st Jan. Please stay tuned. PWP would like to thank all of you, who have participated over the years, walking down the famous golden stairs into the dancefloor making this party more special every week, every month, every year. We have made a lot of history to a lot of love in that central basement, but now it's time for a new adventure and we really hope you will follow us, and keep supporting us, keepin the only party in Milan where you can really be different. For this Special Date we want to bring you an equally special DJ, from London, the roots of PWP, the sounds that Natasha Slater grew up on, an eccletic mood, always pushing down barriers, always searching for somethng new and a sound that she will be taking with her from January to our new location. PWP is excited to introduce KAMIXLO (London-UK) https://soundcloud.com/kamixlo a yound emerging London talent already coined by Dazed&Confused magazine as one of the most exciting DJ names to come out of the worlds most subversive cultural capital LONDON! So please join us to celebrate this departure that will mark the beginning of a new special adventure. SPECIAL GUEST DJ KAMIXLO https://soundcloud.com/kamixlo
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      10 - 20€
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  • PWP Xmas Ball - フライヤー表