Tenth Degree presents: DJ Paypal, DJ Mastercard, Bukkha, Albino Gorilla

  • ヴェニュー
    The Rose
    • 111 SW Ash St, Portland, OR, 97204
  • 日付
    Fri, Jan 15, 201621:00 - 02:30
  • 興味がある
    • 4
  • DJ Paypal - Teklfie/Mall Music Footwork came up in Chicago's South Side, and it has fierce sense of local pride, but in 2015 it's more international than ever. DJ Paypal is a Berlin-based North Carolinian artist who is among the most far-flung members of the scene-leading Teklife crew, both musically and geographically, and he's also among the most influential of the genre's new wave. His take on footwork is kaleidoscopic and vivid, expanding on the Spinn and Rashad template for a brand of footwork that looks backwards and forwards in equal measure. His Mall Music label is home to some of footwork's most idiosyncratic voices, including DJ Mastercard and his lush sci-fi funk, and the whiplash mixtapes of DJ Orange Julius. Paypal's own discography, which comprises a 30-track collection of Drake edits and the retro disco vibes of the Buy Now EP on LuckyMe, among other delicacies, approaches footwork from all sorts of angles. Paypal susses out remarkable versatility in the genre's ra-ta-tat attack.
  • Tenth Degree presents: DJ Paypal, DJ Mastercard, Bukkha, Albino Gorilla - フライヤー表