Launching Diggers Factory

  • ヴェニュー
    La Confiserie
    • 77 Rue Jean-Baptiste Pigalle, 75009, Paris
  • 日付
    Jan 8, 2016
    Fri 00:00 - Sat 07:00
  • 興味がある
    • 4
  • ̸


    Lone Zendid Bionex Dyslate Between Sleeps
  • シェアする
  • Diggers Factory is a platform that believes in a utopia: to allow talented artists to produce and repress their vinyl without spending €1. On January 8th 2016, the project will become a reality with a pre-ordering system based on the crowdfunding model. Created for vinyl lovers, Diggers Factory offers a collaborative community to edit and repress your favorite albums. Amstram gram was born of an ambition, promote young artists through electronic music events. Parties based on a common passion, the love of music, shared with an audience eager to express his joy at being present, to dance, share and have fun in tolerance and the discovery of one and the other... You are invited to a party full of surprises prepared with love in a place with candid spirit and sweetness in Paris.
  • Launching Diggers Factory - フライヤー表