• ヴェニュー
    Mózg Warszawa
    • Jana Zamoyskiego 20, Warsaw, Poland
  • 日付
    Sat, Feb 13, 201622:00 - 08:00
  • プロモーター
    Move Move
  • 興味がある
    • 9
  • You function, you move, you take action, you work, you exist, you are stuck in a rut. Despite all this all that surrounds you is silence and no sound from the world around you gets through. You live faster, travelling through each moment as if in a spaciotemporal tunnel. And so the days go by. You miss out on them like you miss out on the last bus of the day. You don’t bother with anything, you forget everything, you don’t even remember what happened the week before. You’re missing the stimuli that make you feel alive. Stimuli that will wake you from the rut you’re stuck in. Althought there’s stimuli all around us, we don’t notice them. We cannot see and experience their beauty. Instead, we dream about things out of our reach, mindlessly chasing after them. We forget how much beauty surrounds us in our daily life. Stop for a moment, look around, listen, feel, move your brain! Move Mozg (Move your Brain) is a new initiative which aims at stimulating our creativity and thinking and awakening our innate curiosity in different areas of life. Vinyl loving DJs will use music to tell a variety of stories; they’ll be our guides on a journey to the most remote regions of our consciousness, touching all of our senses, impacting our brain activity, moving our bodies and opening us to new experiences. The person behind the initiative of living life to the fullest is Ola Teks, a DJ currently living in Warsaw and be a part of Move Move collective Back To The Lab - Fed up with big name producers chopping their hits into loopsand firing them off on their laptops while playing World Of Warcraft in a different tab. Fed up with them collecting award after award for their so called "live pa" and most importantly fed up with watered-down, non authentic-club tunes. They are on a mission to restore the meaning of playing live in clubs, and they do this with no more than 2 Mb of prepared samples. Should you get the chance to watch these talented young Berliners go hard on their gear pool, make sure to seize the opportunity, because their thunderous improvisations will knock you off your chair. Poster by Małgorzata Brodzińska
    • イベント管理人
    • 最終更新日
      8 years ago
    • プロモーショナルリンク
    • 料金
      3,5 - 4,5 euro
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  • Move Move #7 - フライヤー表