Culture with Guest Robbie Lowe

  • The word “culture” means different things to different people. Ask a Jamaican, and they may tell you about a roots reggae group founded in 1976, originally known as the African Disciples. Ask an Australian, or anyone who spent their teenage years watching Toy Story on a come down, or someone that remembers the LA Riots and they may think we are talking about iconic 90’s boy band, “Kulcha”. To many it means the quality in a person or society that arises from a concern for what is regarded as excellent in arts, letters, manners, scholarly pursuits. For us it was just a simple dash of sprinkles behind a DJ console during a time Trentemoller was as popular as a Nutella doughnuts at your local cafe, 3 goats up a tree and a mutual understanding between and Spaniard and an Iranian. On Saturday night in Room One, we are very proud to welcome Robbie Lowe. Having DJ’ed along side him and witnessed his culture in Sydney, we have yet to see Robbie DJ at event in Melbourne that has done him justice before. Simply put, he is an extremely versatile programmer, has a very diverse range and can adapt himself to almost any environment. Dynamic, is one word that defines his culture. Don’t let her Swedish sweet smile confuse you, Sundelin is not here to tuck you in bed for a prolonged spring night, on the contrary; she will try to extract every last bit of your dancing energy, till the venue manager decides it is time to close, or as in Safri's culture, we refer to this as "key hole surgery, whilst sipping on a piña colada". Sundelin is the up and coming young lady of techno in this town, and if you have not heard any of her sets before, our Funktion-One sound system will definitely help remember your first time. Everyone has a first time, and you always remember it, culturally. No.1 Delicious was born from a hot hand on a dice game baby girl.... Since he has now achieved his all-time life goals : namely getting Chuck's girl for a lap dance, buying a baby (straight cash), and a buying a new bench press for his front yard; he now plans to traffice rocks and reinvest his money back into the community before yo Honky's change yo' minds. His records have been picked up and played like an R-Kelly sex tape by the likes of Andrew Weatherall, Duncan Gray, Craig Bratley, Chloe, 40 Thieves, Hrdvsion, Rayko, and Tronik Youth. And on Thanks Giving, he gives out chickens like Neno Brown Baby. After being handed “Power Station 001” on vinyl, we heard a tune called ‘Kabu’ by a gentleman known as Disrute. Culturally speaking we were extremely impressed. To some, it may be the kind of tune you wanna hear when you arrive at a club and head to the cubicle with your best mate at 11PM. To others, its perfectly acceptable at 3am. To be honest, we have never met the kid, but after he contacted us, and we swapped music, and discussed his culture, only to find out ‘Crystal Mountain Thunder’ by 40 Thieves inspired ‘Kabu’ the same way it did “Lostep - Moanin”, we knew he was culturally aware. In Room Two, backtobacktoback will feature Spanish, Columbian and Aussie culture all night from start to finish with all three DJ’s playing vinyl only; enough to make Steve G salivate at the mouth and reminisce of his Maltese culture in the south digging for potatoes. Acid Safari. This cultural import, is as happy behind the decks, as a Spaniard can be cutting Iberico and watching his beloved soccer team score a third gooooooooooooooooooooal at a derby. As his name indicates, culturally, if you take acid and go on a Safari (as you may very well do on a Saturday night) it’s kind of music you want to be listening to as the soundtrack for your next 12 hours. Whats reality really? TheCamilos aka “Two Keys Mang”, the mysterious Columbian man of many personalities; behind the decks, you might think you are walking across peaceful coffee fields, only to fall into the energy of a 5000 people festival. His culture was directly responsible for the DJ Sprinkles residue left with a Spanish bank card on the Technics 1200’s way back when. He’s your go to man to escort Jeff Mills to the DJ console through a sea of over enthused techno ravers, as well as to sonically command a room. Simply put their is more culture in his moustache than many dream of achieving in a lifetime. Alex Anderson turns into an evil animal at night, especially if you put him behind the decks on an amazing sound system. You might find security rushing to that room at the end of the night with a pastie in hand, to make sure he finishes by curfue. He can play for days; deep basslines and melancholic landscapes, mixed with the pure darkness of slow techno, just like his renowned coffees. Culture is something you shouldn't miss even if you have a booty call at 1am and you don’t have enough battery in your smartphone to book an Uber. Culture has a price, just like the grand museums, so book your ticket and ride the wave.
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  • Culture with Guest Robbie Lowe - フライヤー表