Moony Habits with Kyle Hall, Gifted & Blessed, Aaron Davis, Tahl K

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    Kyle Hall, GB (Gifted & Blessed), Aaron Davis, Tahl K
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  • ♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫ We're super excited to host the return of Detroit's Kid-Dynamite and Wild Oats bossman, Kyle Hall. Last year we witnessed an ubelievable back 2 back set from Kyle and frequent collaborator, Jay Daniel. The vibe and energy was through the roof! We seriously cannot wait for the Detroit artist to throw down again. Wild Oats affiliate and LA local, Gifted & Blessed will be joining KMFH for this all night dance. Known for his powerful analog jams, GB delivers every time. We've witnessed the synth wizard do his live thing on a number of occassions, and it is the BOMB. Good homies Aaron Davis and Tahl K will be setting the mood, so come early and support your local heroes! We're at another brand new space this time. Make sure to RSVP at Restless Nites for more info on location OR better yet, cop a pre-sale. Don't sleep! Artwork by Bensasi 11pm - LATE
  • Moony Habits with Kyle Hall, Gifted & Blessed, Aaron Davis, Tahl K - フライヤー表