Acid Camp with Karl Meier, Perlin Noise

  • ** Pre-sale ticket or RSVP at required. This is a private event. ** Karl Meier (Talker, Downwards, Berlin) Perlin Noise (Acid Camp, LA) A life-long devotee of electronic and experimental music, Karl P. Meier discovered Chicago House and Detroit Techno in the early nineties, and the rest, as they say, is boring. Determined to prove that dance music could be a serious art form, and more than just escapist fare, he developed a DJing style that looks to the future while being influenced by the music of the past, exploring the grey area between the physical and the cerebral and focusing on dynamism, subversion, and re-contextualization. Karl's current project, a collaboration with Jonathan Krohn under the name Talker, record for Karl "Regis" O'Connor's esteemed Downwards imprint.
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