DJ Harvey - The Amsterdam Residency Part 1

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  • PRE-SALE SOLD OUT, ONLY TICKETS AT THE DOOR Drinks & nightmarket: CARD / PIN ONLY ____________________________ Thinking of a DJ Harvey set we see California girls skating into the sunset while surfers catch their last wave of the day, and as the sun slowly sets on Venice beach the freaks come out on their Harley Davidsons to take-over the night. Basically a perfect day ending in a fierce night. Just thinking about this already fills us with major excitement. DJ Harvey– every dj’s favourite dj – has chosen de Marktkantine for his Amsterdam residency, which means he’s doing three shows in our club this coming year. Something to be very thrilled about for sure. We love to have DJ Harvey back on home turf during Kingsnight, where he will play one of his notorious extra long sets.