Konekt Asia Series 08: Stefan Goldmann

  • ヴェニュー
    Here We Go
    • Building 3 A2103-2104 Poly Center, No.1 Jinxiu Road, Chengdu, China
  • 日付
    Fri, May 5, 201722:00 - 07:00
  • プロモーター
  • 興味がある
    • 7
  • 在迎来瑞典人Acronym的中国西南双城献艺之后,Konekt Asia继续将目光放在中国音乐文化“独树一帜”的城市 – 成都 。5月5日周五之夜,Konekt Asia Series与特别来宾Stefan Goldmann (Macro/Berghain)接管HWG成都。 将Stefan Goldmann定义为知晓现代音乐和欧洲电子与自由文化的教授,或许比仅仅是著名或者杰出的来自柏林和带有Berghain/Panorama Bar标签的DJ/制作人更为恰当。 比如在2017年全新出版的著作《Techno Studies》,深入简出地探讨了Techno音乐的历史、内涵、处理和场景,用睿智的语言贯穿德国乃至世界俱乐部的发展和审美变迁。或者他的第一本著作《Presets – Digital Shortcuts To Sound》,Stefan与世界电子音乐体系内的行业领袖、内容设计者、制作人、艺术家等等,与Ableton、Native Instruments、Korg、Roland的创始人或研发主管深入交流,讨论关于构建如今世界电子音乐内在体系的技术和实在。又或者为广为人知的“宇宙第一夜店”Berghain作为专栏作家和在2015年十周年年鉴的联合作者。 2002年Stefan Goldmann第一次寄出了他的Demo,随即被芝加哥电子先锋Derrick Carter签下发行在他的厂牌Classic,并持续输出了四张EP;在2004年签约Josh Wink的厂牌Ovum,2005年发行《Blood》EP于Perlon,2006年发行《Sleepy Hollow》EP于Innervisions;而在2007年Stefan Goldmann与来自Hardwax的Finn Johannsen共同创立了被誉为”The leading avant-garde techno label”的Macro,至今恰逢Macro十周年之际。 与柏林俱乐部Berghain有着长期的合作关系,从2006开始他便在Berghain/Panorama Bar驻场演出,丰富阅读人群和构建旅程经验,加上他充满智慧的音乐品味和选择,奠定了他成为世界级DJ/制作人的基础。 After the Swedish Acronym’s double shows in southwest China , Konekt Asia keeps an eye on the one and only music culture city : Chengdu . On 5th May Konekt Asia will take over HWG Chengdu for club series with special guest : Stefan Goldmann (Macro/Berghain) . Techno and house have always been about imagining the future and feeling the excitement of change and discovery. If anyone has lived up to this aspiration in recent years, it is Stefan Goldmann. With almost every new release or project he has brought a new edge to the table, creating some distinctly memorable tracks along the way. The dirt of “The Maze”, the melodic craze of “Sleepy Hollow” or the off-center choirs of “Lunatic Fringe” have injected new excitement into dancefloors and shown new directions to DJs and producers alike. Macro, the label Stefan Goldmann operates with Finn Johannsen, has been called “the leading avant-guarde techno label.” Thus it is no wonder he has crossed over massively into art music too with an approach that is so essentially techno: investigating grids, sampling, loops, vinyl culture or digitization down to their very cores. Creating special works and one-off performances for festivals and institutions has become as much part of his presentation as DJing in clubs or at Macro label nights in Berlin, London, Paris, New York or Tokyo alongside label mates like Elektro Guzzi, Finn Johannsen, KiNK or Peter Kruder. He has a long-standing relationship to Berlin’s Berghain club for which he has been DJing since 2006, has conceived the Elektroakustischer Salon nights and writes a column for the club’s program flyer. He is also a co-author of the Berghain book and saw his own book "Presets - Digital Shortcuts To Sound" published in 2015.
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