Vederlicht #7 Calls Francesca Lombardo

  • Once upon a time... there was a little bird called Vederlicht . The gypsy inside of Vederlicht was haunted by a feeling it didn't belong anywhere , until it flew into an old enchanting church . Suddenly Vederlicht heard " Knock Knock " at the door . Finally some VISITORS !!!! Vederlicht was so excited about the guests at the door . He realized that he was part of a gathering of feathered souls and creative free spirits . They decided to celebrate all together with a big party and to transform Café d'Anvers (Official) into a magic space only for one unforgettable night . Vederlicht invites also some special friends : - Cabinet de Transformation brings you fun clothes and opportunity to discover your inner party warrior. - Charlotte De Cock Art the queen bird of the make- up :) - Like usual , the handcrafty decorations of BORDERLIGHT all around , in & out , up & down . - More performances will be announced . Vederlicht is always looking for new dancing birds . Are you an artist and would you like to be part of the Vederlicht tribe ? Send an email to : [email protected]
  • Vederlicht #7 Calls Francesca Lombardo - フライヤー表