RIMBU presents The Bander-Log Of Mu

  • We were throbbed to see everybody enjoyed our first birthday as much as we did. Persistently we march onto the next. Anew the mighty RIMBU is preparing to rumble. It would be civilized to bring you this presentation without fair warning... Look no further than one's own soul.. You are about to discover a world of playful elation where, once again, under a mystic moon, human and beast alike will praise. Some of the smartest and most skillful species of the animal kingdom will gather the cartload and guide you through a new setting of RIMBU where you can allow yourself to intertwine with Animalia and Plantae. Be prepared for a wild and wacky night led by our fine elected set of DJ's and, expect no monkey business! You've been warned.. Join us once again on the journey, with high hopes of RIMBU, to be around for many years to come...
  • RIMBU presents The Bander-Log Of Mu - フライヤー表