51st Street Music Chicago



  • 51st Street Music Chicago today announced the second music single release of Master C & J, featuring vocalist Reginald Hughes. This music single was produced by Chicago House Music Pioneers and Legends Jessie Jones and DJ Lugo Rosado. “Lets Come Together,” is a song that celebrates diversity and different cultures dancing and enjoying music together! “Back in the late ‘80’s when house was still in kindergarten these two artists were at the forefront of their game and helped break down boundaries, define a sound that was quintessentially Chicago Hip-House and most importantly made people dance their asses off! Let’s not forget our roots!” -Lewis Dane Solitaire/Wesway Journalist: Update, DJ, Blues & Soul, Record Collector Magazines/BBCi Reviewer. Song will be available starting November 22, 2019, at various streaming services and on-line for downloading. For more information on 51st Street Music, visit https://51ststreetmusic.com/. About Master C & J: Master C & J loves all types of dance music and we have our own style and sound. We do not copy or follow other music and our sound is original which makes us distinct, interesting and sets us apart from others in the industry. We are the creators and leaders of House Music.
