
  • シェアする
  • ロンドンオリンピック開会式の音楽監督にも就任が決まった、デュオの20周年記念アルバム2作品が今月発売。
  • Underworldが新作コンピレーション・アルバム2枚を発表 image
  • 90??????????????????????????????????Underworld???????20??????????·???????·?????????????·?????????????????2???A Collection???1992-2012 The Anthology??????????????? ?1??????????A Collection??????·???????????????????????????????High Contrast & Tiesto?Karl Hyde????Brian Eno???????????????????12?28???????1992-2012 The Anthology????1992???2012??????????????3??CD????3?????J-WAVE20??????????????????????“Perc”??Lemon Interupt???????????Dirty??B??????“Minneapolis”?????????????????????????9?????????? ???????????????????????????2???????????????????2012????????????????????????????????????????????????????????·????????????????????????????·???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????2?????????????????????????? Tracklist ?A Collection? 1. The First Note Is Silent (with High Contrast & Tiesto) 2. Scribble 3. Beebop Hurry (Karl Hyde and Brian Eno) 4. Downpipe (with Mark Knight and D. Ramirez) 5. Crocodile 6. To Heal 7. Two Months Off 8. Jumbo 9. Born Slippy (Nuxx) 10. Dark and Long (Dark Train) (2011 edit) 11. Mmm Skyscraper I Love You (2011 edit) 12. Pearls Girl 13. Cowgirl (live 2000) 14. Rez (2011 edit) 15. King Of Snake 16. Moaner ?1992-2012 The Anthology? CD1 1. Big Mouth 2. Mmm Skyscraper I Love You 3. Rez 4. Cowgirl 5. Spikee 6. Dirty Epic 7. Dark and Long (Dark Train) CD2 1. Born Slippy (Nuxx) 2. Pearls Girl 3. Jumbo 4. 8 Ball 5. Moaner 6. Two Months Off 7. To Heal 8. Crocodile 9. Scribble CD3 1. The Hump 2. Big Meat Show 3. Minneapolis 4. Why Why Why 5. Oich Oich 6. Second Hand 7. Parc 8. Simple Peal 9. JAL To Tokyo Underworld?A Collection???Cooking Vinyl ??2011?12?10???1992-2012 The Anthology???2011?12?28??????