Unbroken Dub - Untitled Dubs

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  • It's rather presumptuous to start a label, and have two EPs lined up to almost immediately follow the debut. Rawax has reason to feel smug though. (Samples from the forthcoming releases sound even better than this already excellent 12-inch.) With the current debate on the use of samples, it seems appropriate to point out that Unbroken Dub uses material from a sample CD comprised of sounds exclusively from the Waldorf Wave, but they're manipulated enough to sound like they were original material. The raw style here is best heard on the untitled A2, which is reminiscent of Levon Vincent's "Double Jointed Sex Freak Pt. 2," while highlights on the B-side include the lapping waves of white noise soothing the off-kilter rhythm on B1 and the keys-driven deep house of B2.
  • トラックリスト
      A1 Untitled A2 Untitled B1 Untitled B2 Untitled B3 Untitled