Ab Uno



  • ambient experimental project born and based in Berlin since 2016.
    Born in Berlin in 2016, Eugenio Petrarca and Roberto Di Ciaccio's project fuses experimental ambient music made of drifting analogue oscillations to modular synthesiser resonances, with exotic field-recordings and organic visual progressions that build immersive minimalist atmospheres. Ab Uno’s music embarks on a backward journey that looks to the origin to settle in the consequence: the actual word ab uno derives precisely from the Latin 'from one'—birth as a rite of fragile essentiality to develop as a complex nature. Between sonic critique and meditative self-sabotage, AB UNO's drone-temporal drift is to be read as an anthropological study: looking for answers in the past we can find the future, returning to being a 'plural one' as the primal feeling of the cosmos indicates, opening a door to a deeper state of consciousness. After the experience between Colombia, Sierra Nevada and Bali rendered tribal landscape field recordings (as in the previous La Linea Negra on Rohs! /Lontano Series, Medewi for Musica Stampata and the self-produced Lost World), in Les Gens de Mogador, released in 2022 by Dornwald Records, the journey continues to Essaouira, on the Atlantic coast of Morocco, continuing the path of a sound anthropology and enriched with visual materials, in the collaboration with the Waxaw Ethno Roots collective that captured the album’s proto- documentary dimension. The new album 'Les Gens de Mogador' is out on Dornwald Records as limited edition vinyl.


    Les Gens de Mogador [Dornwald Records - 2022] Yurei [Obsidian Order - 2022] Invenies Occultum [Opal Tapes - 2022] Medewi: Sonic Ecosystems from Indonesia [Musica Stampata - 2020] La Linea Negra [Rohs! Lontano Series - 2020] Regressive Repetition [Transferans - 2020] Tanais [Modern Bön - 2019] Meta Forma [Mahorka - 2018] Lost World [self - 2017]