Andrea Taeggi aka Gondwana



  • Andrea Taeggi aka Gondwana is a sound artist living in Berlin
    Andrea works in Berlin as a composer, live performer and electronic music producer. Besides his solo practice — on his own name or under the moniker Gondwana, he is a founding member of electroacoustic project Lumisokea His music has been released on vinyl and dubplate on labels Opal Tapes, Type, SM-LL and Präsens Editionen, receiving enthusiastic reviews & write-ups His research and interest include the physicality of sound, its tactile quality and implied 3-dimensionality, the gray area between acoustic & electronic sources, the “wholly other”, the disassociative & hypnotic power of repetition, the alchemical dream, the fictionality of recorded audio, its non-referential aspects and the attempt at stretching the cultural borders of (traditional) music instruments Andrea is a graduate of the Amsterdam Conservatoire, where he completed a piano Bachelor and an electronic music program. During his years in Holland he had the chance to dive headlong into free-jazz and radical improvisation, then gradually transitioning to electro-acoustic & electronic music, before moving to Berlin. Nowadays he feels most at ease in the territory of composed music, although the elements of surprise and impromtu still play a big role both in his compositional and performative practices He has performed at venues & festival such as Cafe OTO, CTM, Mutek, Rewire, LEV, BEAF, Ohm, Mediaspank, IfZ, Roter Salon/Volksbühne, Griessmühle, FAQ a.o. and toured in Europe, the US, Canada, Brazil, Russia, Mexico, Japan and South Korea He has been a regular guest-composer at renowned research institutes such as STEIM Amsterdam, EMS Stockholm and Willem-Twee, where he further developed his investigation in analog synthesis, extended techniques, reel-to-reel tape treatments, recording techniques and composition


    Gondwana—AUM [Opal Tapes] Andrea Taeggi—Mama Matrix Most Mysterious [Type] Gondwana—Miccaotli [Opal Tapes] Andrea Taeggi—Batch0006 [SM-LL]