Anna Schreit



  • Berlin House DJ & Producer
    Anna was born and raised in Berlin, into a family of a musician who exposed her to a diverse range of music genres from a very young age. Her father's art rock band was one of her earliest influences, shaping her understanding of music and its various forms. Despite living in a techno capital of Europe, it was actually during a trip to Munich that Anna was introduced to the world of electronic music. It was here that she discovered the exotic sounds of house music, which proved to be a turning point for her musical journey. She was captivated by the diverse sub-genres within house music, and it became a defining characteristic of her style - constantly diving and resurfacing through a multitude of sub-genres. After falling in love with the endless possibilities of house music, Anna began DJing in 2012 to share the tracks she had collected and built up over the years. Her goal was to create immersive experiences and take her listeners on unique journeys through her sets. With a passion for music that runs deep, Anna continues to explore and experiment with new sounds, always striving to evolve and push the boundaries of what's possible within electronic music!