Arian Saravi



  • Establishing a sterling reputation, refining his sound constantly, pushing the boundaries of his musical ambition and evolving organically with the passage of time.
    In a questionable world, a fusion of Arian Saravi’s travels and global past marks the way of his creations. It’s poignant and adventerous, like his early childhood spent in various countries of beauty. With the influences of his environment and surroundings Arian Saravi manages to synthesize something both personal and relatable into a creation of art. According to Arian Saravi, his most modern work is essentially random and chaotic in nature. But what he is striving for is to boil down the random madness and channel it through his own vision of inspirational high roads aiming to present depth, movement and powerful feeling and to minimize the random parts through use of well thought layers of inspirational techniques. By virtue of the aesthetic continuation there’s no scene-dictated tunnel view in his activities, there is only a pointed emphasis on style, on groove and sophistication. An emphasis, that, because of the unabashed rawness is advanced enough to maintain artistic integrity and always shine through the inflationary characteristic of the genre as notably original. There are not many artists around turning in such a slew of globally praised projects like Arian Saravi did over the last years. His ability to link innovative production with consensual reception, making Arian Saravi ultimately guided by an idea of authenticity. Arian Saravi has been exploring new fields of music off the mainstream paths: psychedelic, adventurous and full of musicality. As always with Arian; the best is yet to come. With a deep knowledge of the past and a constant push for the future, Arian remains true to the music - a leader and innovator whose enjoying the buzz around him but keeping on pushing the limits.