Benjamin Frnkln



  • BENJAMIN FRNKLKN is a DJ and singer- songwriter based in Berlin, Germany
    His passion for music already arose at an early stage but it took him some time until he realized that electronic music is the one with a lot of energy floating directly from heart to heart. So he found what he was missing in pop music in which his early experiences with music took place. „It was often about the look the image or just the show.“ Uncovering the enormous possibilities of electronic music he got in contact with „Santé“. They realized a track together and he got into the scene for the first time meeting guys like the boys from „Tiefschwarz“ face to face. This was like a blast of whole new experiences to him. After that record he made links to „BUTCH“ and they decided to work on some music together by putting music on Cecille Records back in 2011. „Avantgarde EP on Cecille Records“ where FRNKLN sang the vocals for Sweet in the morning After they had had that huge success on „Cecille Records“ they did the 20th anniversary EP „THE END“ on „Cecille Numbers“ together. Benjamin provided vocals for the house and groovy influenced track „Panorama Bar“.They did a few more tracks like „Faith“ which was released nearly as successful as the other records they had worked on before. After that little journey through techno music h FRNKLN got in contact with Niconé better known as „Lexy from Lexy&K-Paul“ and they did the track „Keep it deep“ which was released on „Stil vor Talent“. After that a few more releases in that direction came out such as „BLEEDING“ with Dan Caster for which „KYODAI“ did an awesome remix. Now „FRNKLN“ decided to take the next step to go on the second round. He wants to follow the lead of his tracks cause they made it around the world and he wants to share this amazing energy in clubs directly to the ones listening and celebrating around the globe. Just like his friends he plans to go on tour and established a Dj set extended with his voice as an effect. So be excited what is waiting for you. BENJAMIN FRNKLN