

  • DNKLE = D A R K (german) [DUN-CLAY] Kindisch, Inward Records & Boxout FM Recordings.
    A composer/performer who plays with notes and time. Organic yet transcendental, the sound of his synth act as a punchline leading to a symphony weaved in euphoria. He mocks the world through his label ‘Cirque du Trømmel’, a medium for the storyteller in him, along with his releases on acclaimed labels as Kindisch, Inward Records & Boxout FM Recordings. DNKLE has currently been on tour around select venues that cater to his vision of expanding private Audio and Visual art experiences around the world called the Evölve Experience. Evölve has previously been hosted in Berlin, New York & Paris. These experiences cater to a limited audience who have been in close proximity of the Audio & Visual art world of the cities where the experience is hosted, along with newcomers who are welcomed to get inspired and inspire us to bring innovation to these experiences