Dona (IT)



  • Booking/infos --->>> [email protected]
    Dedication, research and individuality are the values characterizing Dona as a musician. Having a background made of drums, percussions and piano studies, Dona has soon found his own path experimenting with machines. Constantly looking to redefine his barriers and enhance his sound design skills, Dona has been plumbing the depths of Electronic music, ranging from Jungle and Drum Bass to House and Techno by passing thru Ambient and Electronics. His label Points, where a part from Dona’s originals tracks are included works from Jamal Moss, Anthony Shakir, Patrice Scott, Vakula, Juju & Jordash to name a few, and his project Dj Plant Texture, have been the main outputs of his aesthetic path along the last years. 2016 has welcomed with warmth Dj Plant Texture’s revisitations and reinterpretations of the UK Low Fi Jungle, D&B and Hardcore flavors, as testified by his releases on 10Pills Mate (Lobster Theremin Side Label), Unknown To The Unknown and Creme Organization.