


  • Simone Pisci a.k.a Espi was born in Torino in 1983. Few years later he moved to Sardinia, his family land. He begins to take his first steps in the world of music around the age of ten, attending classes of piano, drums and, later, guitar. This is..
    Simone Pisci a.k.a Espi was born in Torino in 1983. Few years later he moved to Sardinia, his family land. He begins to take his first steps in the world of music around the age of ten, attending classes of piano, drums and, later, guitar. This is the start of a inner process that slowly will take him to discover his musical tastes; playing in several bands from his town he experimented several musical genres, such as punk, hard rock, crossover. After received his diploma, in 2002 he moved to bologna, to study as a phonic at the “Fonoprint Studios" where, for about two years, he improved is knowledge about sound recording, pro tools programming and mastering. After this experience, intrigued by the passion of some friends for Electronic Productions & synthesizers, he begins to produce bases for some of his area djs and gradually he get into the world of the local nightlife, as far as falling in love for dancefloors, people and the typical sounds of the electronic dance. This was the first step to develope his own musical identity in which electronic sounds, tech house, minimal and techno are mixed. Currently he plays in several clubs of his area, proposing sets that include tech, latin-house, minimal, progressive e techno sounds. Simone Pisci a.k.a Espi nasce a torino nel 1983,per poi trasferirsi in sardegna. inizia a muovere i primi passi nella musica intorno ai 10 anni frequentando lezioni di pianoforte e batteria per poi approfondire gli studi di chitarra. Inizia così un percorso che lo porterà a scoprire i suoi gusti musicali, suonando punk, hard rock, crossover con piccole band della sua città. conseguito il diploma, nel 2002, decide di trasferirsi a bologna e studiare fonia presso gli studi fonoprint, dove frequenta per due anni diversi corsi di registrazione, programmazione pro tools, mastering. rientrato da bologna,incuriosito dalla passione di alcuni amici per la produzione elettronica e i sintetizzatori, inizia a produrre basi da proporre ai dj della sua zona e progressivamente si inserisce nell'ambiente dei locali notturni fino ad innamorarsi dei dancefloor e del pubblico, delle sonorità tipiche dell' elettronica dance, sviluppando così una prorpia identità musicale che miscela sonorità elettroniche, tech-house, minimal e techno. Attualmente suona in diversi locali della sua zona, proponendo set che abbracciano sonorità tech, latin-house, minimal, progressive e techno.


    Whynot EP - 2009 - OpenLegs Records Clips EP - 2009 - OpenLegs Records Let a woman be a man - 2010 - BeatGroove Records Be Swing! - 2010 - BeatGroove Records Tech&Tasty EP - 2010 - Incense Records Red Noise EP - COMING SOON - Incense Records Remixes Ameba - Comin'(Espi Jungle Remix) - 2007 Davide Neri - 2 o'clock (Espi remix) - 2009 - OpenLegs records Zerva - Insicure (Espi Remix) - 2009 - OpenLegs Records Eminencia Clasica - Dangerous ( Espi Remix) - 2010 Eminencia Clasica - Escape with me (Espi remix) - 2010