Figure Section



  • Belgian duo rooted in Synth Pop and Cold Wave
    FIGURE SECTION arose from the meeting of Austrian-born musician and actress Olivia Carrère and Yannick Franck (RAUM, Orphan Swords, Mt Gemini), who crossed paths on a theatre stage in Brussels. Quickly becoming close friends, they originally collaborated on scores for plays and multi-disciplinary performances, projects which revealed a dynamic of liberating and creative euphoria between them. Bonding over a mutual appreciation for Cold Wave, Synth Pop and EBM, the initiation of a duo rooted in chemistry and complimentary fascinations became a compelling pursuit. Although founded on an acknowledgement of these styles, their execution is experimental, idiosyncratic and entirely modern in spirit, guided by an intent to revise their influences and an overall approach that incorporates ‘néo-dadaïst sensibilities’. The recurrent themes of the project address love life, depression, irony, loss of common sense, world decay, intolerance, the fight for LGBT rights and the expiation of tensions through modern day rituals, live music being one of them. The duo’s first single “Teutonic Knights” was hailed by The Brvtalist as ”infectious wave with an eerie atmosphere and frigid vocals”, subsequently generating widespread acclaim. New material is coming up this winter on Aufnahme+Wiedergabe (DE) and Totalism (BE)


    Teutonic Knights (single) 2019 Slick (EP) 2019 Cease & Decease (EP) 2019