


  • 東京のテクノパーティー "VETA" のオーガナイザー/レジデントDJ。 Organizer and Resident DJ of Techno Party "VETA" in Tokyo.
    2003年に大阪でDJ活動を開始し、2009年にVETAに加入。これまでに"Ancient Methods", "Shapednoise", "RØDHÅD”, "Dasha Rush",“Terence Fixmer"などを招致。その後上海に移住し、第二次世界大戦時の核シェルターだったクラブ "the Shelter"を中心に"Powell","Container","Beau Wanzer"など数え切れないアーティストのアジアツアーないし中国ツアーを実施。"L.I.E.S"で活躍する中華系アーティスト"Tzusing"の日本招致など、アジアからの輸入にも力を入れている。またDJとして、アンビエント、インダストリアル、脱臼系ハウスなど新旧幅広いレンジの音楽を有機的に繋ぐスタイルで支持を受けている。2017年10月に帰国し東京在住。 As a party organizer and DJ in Tokyo, Ginga has been responsible for some of the most varied and ground breaking parties in recent years. Through his party "Veta" he and his crew brought artists such as "Ancient Methods", "Shapednoise", "RØDHÅD”, "Dasha Rush","Powell","Container"and “Terence Fixmer" to Tokyo, introducing to the city a new, brutal and twisted sound. Having become immersed in the Techno scenes in Osaka and Kyoto since 2000, his musical taste was shaped primarily by so many nameless / underground musicians, active in the above cities. However, as tastes have shifted and scenes fragmented, Ginga's approach to the music has developed and now he is recognized for his tight Djing selection and technical quality. He remains in a position to fully explore sounds both old and new, across the worlds of industrial techno and new wave, dub, IDM and further into the past. Arriving in Shanghai in 2013, he started running "VETA Shanghai".