Heidi Mortenson



  • Heidi Mortenson is a Scandinavian composer and producer crafting works in the electronic field.
    After playing her first concert, as upcomming talent, Mortenson won the title Resident Artist 2003 at the annual experimental LEM festival in Barcelona. From this point Mortenson’s career took off, and she went on a European Tour with visual artist SOLU, played the opening ceremony of Transmediale Festival 2004 in Berlin, founded her own record label, released her debut album Wired Stuff and received a wide range of positive critical notes. Since then, Mortenson has added worldwide festivals, artist residencies and outstanding projects and collaborations to her CV. Her work was featured in the american TV series The L Word and in 2010 Mortenson took part in Laurie Anderson's remix contest and got an honourable mention from Anderson herself. 
For her 2012 release "Mørk" EP, on the acclaimed Danish electronica label RUMP Recordings, Heidi was nominated by the Gaffa Music Award for Best Artist of the Year. She boarded on a national tour with Rumpistol and a European tour supporting the Canadian band Austra. Mortenson has since then released the moody and melancholic electronic album "TID" (2016) embrazing a range of classic synthesizers, featuring some of Mortenson’s most complex and detailed work and has taken 4 years to complete. The compositions, almost meditatively, alter between themes of darkness and light. In 2019 "Spectrum" saw the light, after Mortenson was diagnosed with autism, she chose the fitting title for an album of many colors that elegantl intertwine acoustic elements with her electronic sound. The same year that Mortenson released the balanced and poetic instrumental "Piano Piece" which continues to be in heavy rotatino on the Danish radio programme "Natsværmeren". After a longtime lockdown Mortenson created a new moniker: Phtalo, making music that one can dance to. Rooted in the 90s house music with uplifting messages and bold basslines, the album boosts with community and connection in a celebration of freedom from social constraints.


    2021 Phtalo. Phtalo. Album. (Wired Records) 2021 Riot Athlete. Single. (Wired Records) 2021 Helligdag. Single. (Wired Records) 2021 Clumsy Rework. Single. (Wired Records) 2019 Spectrum. Album (Echopal) 2019 Piano Piece (Wired Records) 2016 Tid. Album (Voodoo Echo) 2015 Flash Back. Single (Wired Records) 2015 Andrea’s Bees. Single (Wired Records) 2013 Luft Havn. Original Theatre Soundtrack. (Wired Records) 2012 Mørk. EP (RUMP Recordings) 2011 IOOOIO. Adventure. Single (Wired Records) 2010 Circular Tape. Cassette Tape (nosnetrom) 2008 Diamonds & Underwear. EP (Wired Records) 2007 Don't Lonely Me. Album (Wired Records) 2005 Wired Stuff. Debut Album (Wired Records)