


  • iamamiwhoami is an audiovisual project lead by Jonna Lee, in collaboration with Claes Björklund, it emanates from the project's YouTube channel. The project merges music and film together with a mutual storyline.
    since December 4, 2009, when beautiful and mysterious music videos began to appear online, iamamiwhoami has surprised, delighted and intrigued in equal measure with their audiovisual releases and installations. in the project’s origin, speculation was rife as to who the artist in question might be, whilst the videos generated millions of hits and created a huge online following. over time, the singer was discovered to be Jonna Lee in collaboration with music producer Claes Björklund and directors collective WAVE. iamamiwhoami has won a Swedish Grammy award for ‘Innovator of the Year’, with nominations for two MTV O Music Awards in 2011 and winning the ‘Digital Genius Award’ in 2012. to date, their videos have accumulated more than 37,000,000 views. to follow the audiovisual project from its epicentre, visit their site and community THE ISLAND.


    bounty (2010) IN CONCERT (2010) kin (2012) BLUE (2014) CONCERT IN BLUE (2015)