Icarus in love



  • Athens based DJ / Producer. Co-Founder of SOCIETY 3000
    In Athens he performed at some of the city's key venues like Astron Bar, EON, Six Dogs, Temple, Romantso. Also visited and performed at cities like Berlin , Bratislava, Brno, Thessaloniki, Larissa, lesvos Island, Ikaria island Clubs like about:blank, Suicide Club, AEDEN, Radost, The Host skg. Big part of the musical progress of Jimmy has been the community based off location raves he performs in and outside Athens. These are his favorite due to the pure underground atmosphere, culture, strong community, the connection of the people and the freedom they offer. These events are non commercial, always private, often for solidarity, audio centered and managed collectively. Counting two ten track albums on USM Recordings and Diffuse Reality Records. 3 Eps, 2 VA contributions on USM recordings, one ep on the TTR and another one on NFEREE. His sound is deeply psychedelic with space and dub aesthetics. Keeping the original all night dj material on his sets, inspired by sci-fi, emotions and an old childish perception of clubing, his sets obtain a character sound while moving effortlessly though different textures.


    Epanafora [Album] NFR030 EP Insenso [Album] Neoromantic EP