Inês Duarte



  • House, Techno & everything in between. Resident DJ @ Lisbon's historical club Lux Frágil. Music first.
    15 years definitely doesn’t seem like a long time for Inês Duarte to be pursuing a DJ career, but the truth is she’s no longer the 18 year-old clubber who was the first to arrive at the dancefloor and the last to leave. The sudden "click" of wanting to make people happy while sharing the music she loved—you won’t find her playing a record she doesn’t agree with—was bound to happen, and the rest is history. With a notable passion and knowledge of House Music in its various aspects, she blends it more and more with a neo-progressive sound, with Techno that need not be fast to captivate, and together with Breakbeat, Acid and Trancey tinges that, rest assured, do not fall into dubious territories. Being an habituéé of booths all over, the dream job arrives in 2018: a full residency at the renowned Lisbon club Lux-Frágil, the place she pinpoints as fundamental in her schooling as a DJ. A vocal activist for long DJ sets, you might find her playing for 7 hours, but she’ll be just as delighted proving that the art of the warmup is not lost. All in all, she defines herself as a DJ of “moments", if you leave at the end with clear moments in your head (be they of joy, ecstasy, togetherness, or even anguish), well, mission accomplished. With a Music Technology education under her belt, it not only translates to extreme care about sound when playing but also to producing her music without caring for formulas other than expressing what’s in her head. After having held shows at Antena 3 Madeira Rádio and Area3000 (Australia), she now hosts a bimonthly show at Pattern Radio Lisbon, with a wonky voice but the urge to keep on presenting from the most cutting-edge to the most classic sounds.


    "Rua da Alegria","Paranoia", "Fundamental" (ELBEREC) "Trigo Selvagem", "Sentes o Veneno" (FAINA), "Morning Can Wait"" (Extended Records) "Thirty Minutes EP" ( CRIB UK) "Flutuante EP" (Oh! Records Stockholm)