Jack Wax



  • Born in 1976 in Veldhoven, The Netherlands. As a child always busy with music. Tapedecks, recordplayers or radio's where not safe - because Jack was always running and looking for the music... Started making music when he was 12 on old computers like M..
    Born in 1976 in Veldhoven, The Netherlands. As a child always busy with music. Tapedecks, recordplayers or radio's where not safe - because Jack was always running and looking for the music... Started making music when he was 12 on old computers like MSX, Amiga and after that the PC. Jack Wax got into the Dutch techno scene in 2007. After a long time of illness (Hodgkin) he decided to start his own label. He's now the owner of Flatlife Records and started this label to become one with his music and to promote his music. He is also the founder of the wellknown dutch Pro Techno parties in the Area 51 Skatepark in Eindhoven together with LXD-TV visuals. His style as a DJ is been based on Acid techno. Marked and well rounded with his beastly mixing techniques on 2 CD players and 2 technics decks. More and more you hear his own melodies back in his DJ sets. Owner of Flatlife Records and his label is his life. In 2011 he became an official Techno Buddha DJ and is now bookable at: www.technobuddha.nl Still evolving and searching for his sound and growing as a DJ & Producer each day...


    Labels: Braingravy Records Underground Noise Records TonTek Records Hypnohouse Trax Flatlife Records Flatlife Dark Flatlife Basement