Lars Herbordt



  • Lars Herbordt started his carrear as a DJ in 1994 in some smaller clubs in in the North of Germany. After a while he was resident DJ in one of the most famous Clubs in the Northern Part of Germany Part of the "Go Parc" in Herford! Than he really..
    Lars Herbordt started his carrear as a DJ in 1994 in some smaller clubs in in the North of Germany. After a while he was resident DJ in one of the most famous Clubs in the Northern Part of Germany Part of the "Go Parc" in Herford! Than he really started DJing at a higher Level and played at the Loveparade/ G Move/ Apollo Club/ Airport/ Evosonic/ PRINZ Booking/ Crusade/ etc. After his study as food technologist he stopped Djing! In 2011 he was infected again by his colleague Chris van Gen and started again! Sometimes it´s like a good old red Wine, the older it get´s the better it is!!!! Since end of 2012 his a Resident DJ´s at the Liquid Club, near Erlangen.