Little New Yorkers



  • "Sometimes you feel so small in this city, like you go unnoticed." Little New Yorkers
    Road To A Name… Think of Groove sick as an alter ego without a first self. Call it a moniker, an oxymoron-type approach to choosing a real name. The name was originally for a track the group recorded in 2009 that eventually morphed into the top candidate for group name. What has to be explained is that the process of coming up with a name is very complex. Finding a name that represents you, your work, is a tough task-deeper than them actually liking it. It's about the symbol and meaning behind it. For now, it's a name before the name. Sort of bio? From the very first day he began playing the guitar, started to learn, record ideas etc, to present day, you are talking about an estimate of 7 years. As kids the lives of the two individuals who make up groove sick (untitled) took different paths. One had aspirations of becoming an actor, the other loved baseball as a kid and didn't really know what he wanted to be. An age difference of six years separating the two forcefully tagged the older one, Ramon, as the one who would tutor the other. He just loved music as a kid, all different kinds. Born and raised in NYC as both were, he would collect hip-hop cassette tapes, buy cd's, spend hours at Virgin Records finding out about new artists. "Growing up in NYC you don't have to love music to know music runs in this city's blood. From it's streets to everyday life, one can almost breathe it." Around his early twenties he decided he no longer wanted to act. (Very close to the same time the other member started learning how to play the guitar.) The younger member, Joel, was midway in his high school career when he began taking a serious interest in music. Yet his musical roots stem even further back. He played violin, clarinet in elementary school and drums in junior high school but never continued. "It's one of those things that's part of you but as I got older I kind of gravitated away from and forgot them. You start thinking about what you want to do with your life and I'd never thought I'd be a musician. When I first began playing guitar in high school I kind of felt like it was my first encounter with music in a way because I was so young when I played those other instruments. I forgot about music and I got really into sports. I was in high school when my cousin (Ramon) first played First Impressions Of Earth by The Strokes for me. I was in his house and my first reaction was like nah, I don't really like this." After a couple of following visits he would hear the record playing again and began liking a few of the songs from that record. The songs really took hold of him. His cousin, seeing this reaction, played him their first two albums and that's when things began to change. This music made him feel good, "In those high school and college years it made me feel like everything was gonna be alright, you know." It made him more mature he says. He immediately became open minded to different styles of music. His cousin continued educating him, "When he played 'Turn On The Bright Lights' by Interpol for me I knew I had to get a guitar" he said. And so he did. For his 17th birthday he got a beautiful fender 1960's reissue stratocaster, bought by his mother. He taught himself how to play and would learn the guitar parts to his favorite songs with a school friend on bass almost everyday after school. Over time he bought himself a bass, a computer, a sound card and a midi keyboard. He was first introduced to DAW's by another cousin of his, Franklin,(The third unofficial member) "Even before I heard all those records that inspired me I would go to his house and mess around with fruity loops all the time. Eventually, I started my own folder on his computer" he said with a smile. The computer aspect of music production would eventually open the door to the electronic world of music to them and eventually DJ’ing for Joel. After a few years of self teaching and jamming out, things got serious. He and his cousin started seeing growth and the realization kicked in for Joel that this was what he wanted to do with his life. Ironically, his cousin who after acting didn't really know what he wanted to do with his life, would also find his calling in this realization. In the knowledge of music he passed on to his younger cousin, he inspired him to become an artist and in this chain of events he found what he had been looking for all his life. "If Joel takes up any other career we are not here right now, I am not here right now" he says. "He has an amazing ability to come up with brilliant melodies in his head." It's really a gift Joel says. Time waits for no one (Present) Today alter ego groove sick, are finding out new things about themselves. These guys realistically could have put material out over a year ago but have withheld from this because of technical deficiencies. "Doing things by yourself, learning them on your own its good and all but it has its disadvantages. You get to a point where you need to have a basic school type understanding of things in regards to your field. Like new doctors, they all report to veteran doctors and go from there. We're playing both parts. When it's ready 100% ready to us, it will be put out. Learning as you go and having a sense of urgency is key." They've been working on their debut album along with other small projects for the last 5 years, nothing has ever been released. You've learned how they got here and a bit about them. You know they are artist/producers from NYC who've had a life long dilemma about their name. (Still do) You know they really chose to not go into detail about their sound, nice huh! And noting that this bio has been revised more times than their beats, it all falls into their plan. They love the fact that after all these words, it' still feels to them like you know nothing. "That's how it should be, let our music speak for itself" they say. One could call their music an underwater volcano that's about to erupt. Producing waves with no direction, no telling how far they'll go, or what they will become… You hear waves when they crash onto shore lines, It's a beautiful sound. You'll hear these waves too… "Sometimes you feel so small in this city, like you go unnoticed." Little New Yorkers Written on 11/17/13 By anonymous. Little New Yorkers debut album "TwentyThreeEleven" was released on August 27th, 2014. Official Current Update Now working out of a professional studio in Dumbo, NYC. Little New Yorkers has taken a new direction and is now being operated as a solo artist. Though the cousins still occasionally come together during recording sessions, focus has shifted towards solo DJ playing & electronic music production. While also working in the shadows on a number of solo passion projects. Collaborating with many other artist, building new foundations to create art that inspires all. Talk soon, Little New Yorkers


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