Lost In Material



  • Lyon based DJ and producer Lost In Material immerses us in a resolutely electro universe, serving mechanical music with cold and Kraftwerkian influences based on the work of artists such as Maelstrom, DJ Stingray, Imogen, etc…
    Versatile producer, DJ and now live performer, Lost In Material places itself in the Lyon electronic landscape as an important figure in the Electro genre. His work is heavily influenced by the sound of Detroit (Dopplereffekt, DJ Stingray, Ectomorph, …) but also by his pronounced taste for industrial aesthetics, post-punk, dub, IDM or even by the minimalism found in Alva Noto and Ryoji Ikeda. From it emerges a sustained and bestial Electro sound that drifts between these multiple influences... Lost In Material takes listeners wherever he wants in his sets, always in an exutory and narrative perspective. His involvement in Lyon's alternative music scene is marked by the co-creation of the prolific label and collective L'Enfant Pneu, a breeding ground for punk sound experimenters. He is also at the origin with the DJ and producer Selected Dream Memories of COMPUTER LOVE, a regular party of Le Sonic that pays tribute to Electro and its neighboring genres.


    https://prisme-ly.bandcamp.com/track/diskud?from=search&search_item_id=4057801921&search_item_type=t&search_match_part=%3F&search_page_id=2627169167&search_page_no=0&search_rank=5&logged_in_menubar=true https://lostinmaterial.bandcamp.com/track/eeleek https://lenfantpneu.bandcamp.com/track/lost-in-material-rdv-souterrain?from=search&search_item_id=1497399810&search_item_type=t&search_match_part=%3F&search_page_id=2627171584&search_page_no=1&search_rank=11&search_sig=8d5ed6e28cccf17e9a6f7f8c74452076