Lou Drago



  • Lou Drago is an artist, curator, DJ and writer working in the field of queer, feminist and gender theories. They are a founding member of XenoEntities Network, Berlin, and host of Transience, a monthly show on Cashmere Radio, Berlin.
    Perpetually obsessed with proving the futility of binaries, Lou Drago is drawn to the spaces between analogue and synthesised sounds. In their sets Lou Drago aims to provide a space for contemplation and introspection, offering a pause from the anxiety of neoliberalism through ambient, strange and relaxing sounds. They aim to summon imagery of speculative queer and postgendered futurities through evoking sci-fi, space, drone and other ambiences. Drago hosts a monthly show on Cashmere Radio based in Berlin called Transience, each time inviting a different artist to respond to their concept to create an hour of anxiety relief from hetero-patriarchial systems of oppression.