


  • At its core, madnax is American-Swiss duo (Nathan, Max), who set off on an interstellar exploration of the shared roots of musical genres, blurring the boundary between the deep, tribal grooves of electronic music and traditional music forms. Their DJ..
    madnax is a universe born from a cataclysmic event leading to a very particular alignment of particles that coincide serendipitously in both space and in time. At its center of gravity, is American-Swiss duo (Nathan, Max). It’s a timeless story where the sum of parts equal more than the whole: over years of mixing together, these two kindred spirits have found an equilibrium between their individual, complementary styles and their overlapping musical tastes. madnax DJ sets contrast gravity and levity. They rhythmically glue the crowd to the dance floor with the deep grooves of house, techno, and funk while guiding their listeners’ heads into the dreamy outer atmosphere with carefully selected melodies and beautiful harmonies. Audiences feel in lifted spirits and unintentionally smile in the presence of a madnax set; it must be the infectious transmission of their pure joy to share, listen, and dance to music.