Marco Cassanelli



  • Marco Cassanelli, deejay producer. His first approach with the newer trendy music in1990 was soon followed by collaborations in the most important events involving the lastest trends in Italy.
    In this suspended time, in this deserted city where no sound is being heard, an obscure podcast comes to life. Where physical communications breakdown, only the music find a path to the other people so we can reach each other while we stuck in our homes and studios playing electronic music trying to figure out how the next step will be. Dubbing silence, breaking sounds, looping drums, screaming words, that's how we can take a breath! 'cause that's the time on we can't breathe... A red line starts from here to link places wherever you are, Japan, China, Russia, Mexico, Kenya or Iceland no matter where you are what color is your skin, we live in one home, we live in a deep home! Respect.