Mind 01



  • Mind 01 has lived with music all his life; among his first memories he recalls Motown and rock sounds. He grew up listening to music almost without pause, whether on his walkman, diskman or minidisc there was always some form of music in his ear to acc..
    Mind 01 has lived with music all his life; among his first memories he recalls Motown and rock sounds. He grew up listening to music almost without pause, whether on his walkman, diskman or minidisc there was always some form of music in his ear to accompany him on his journey through life. What set him apart from his friends awas his conviction to share his passion for music with the world around him. This was why he started a drive-in show while he was still in his teens. To quote Mind 01 on his vision of music: ”Music is the cure, that makes you forget all that is negative.” He had his transition to minimal techno one summer in Barcelona. For Mind 01 that summer meant his definite taste switch to techno. When he came home in Amsterdam he realised he was bitten. Bitten by the beatbug. And he still feels that bite everyday when he stands behind his mixer. As a DJ today, he plays with the same purpose with which he performed his drive in show; Mind 01 uses his music to entertain. To prove his skills he entered the Dommelsch DJ contest a year ago, and easily made it to the finals, showing he can compete with the best DJ’s Amsterdam has to offer. Mind 01 follows his instincts and the reactions of the crowd to decide the style of every set he plays. You will find that he never plays the same set or mix twice, always striving to maximize the amusement value for his audience. And he’s not afraid to take a gamble, to try something while performing, something he unprepared. He can mix a soulfull set, or turn up the tempo and blow up the venue. Whatever his audiences desire, Mind 01 will deliver with his own twist. Sometimes that even means breaking a set with an unexpected, short burst of chaos, using his effects and loops, to subtly regain control and climax spectacularly.