


  • Noise, idiomatic synth and electronic percussion; industrial anti-anthems of perseverance, desire and despair.
    Octonomy is the moniker of Heidi Lorenz, a Brooklyn-based sound artist. Octonomy operates outside of genre signifiers but is underpinned by her propensity towards the drone. She composes with hardware synthesizers, found sounds, field recordings, voice, power tools, samples, noise, reverb and distortion to create pulsing, rhythmic soundscapes. As a DJ/selector, her sets tend to be hypnotically woven collections of track spanning multiple genres; from industrial & EBM to krautrock & new wave; techno to ambient; psychedelic monoliths of an ever-pulsing beat. In addition to her sound design, songwriting and DJ work as Octonomy, she has done a number of commissioned sound pieces and longform ambient compositions for experiential spaces, performances and immersive installations, and has incorporated her soundscapes by way of utilizing various different responsive software and hardware-based technologies.


    The Tetramorph (Faktor, 2021) Warhorse (Chthonic Streams, 2019) 0 (2018) Ciudad Autónoma (2017) Perchta (2013)