Ondo / Gusto



  • Hot Mass Resident, Ondo / Gusto moved to Pittsburgh and immersed himself in the city’s ever-growing electronic scene, constantly refining his sound and performance to express both his love for electronic music and his urban/soulful roots.
    A native of the Bronx, Ondo / Gusto moved to Pittsburgh and immersed himself in the city’s ever-growing electronic scene. Inspired by the live acts he has experienced over the past few years, Ondo / Gusto is constantly refining his sound and performance to express both his love for electronic music and his urban/soulful roots. Ondo / Gusto is currently a resident DJ and booker at Pittsburgh's legendary Hot Mass. His monthly after-hours parties regularly attract the biggest and most diverse crowds the city has seen in years. Along with his tight-knit team he runs Detour Records, a vinyl-only imprint focused on House and Techno; the label has released critically acclaimed records from leading global artists. Additionally, Ondo / Gusto heads MISC, a label that melds beautiful visual works with downtempo electronic genres that go beyond the House and Techno scene. Despite his success as a promotor and label-head, Ondo / Gusto truly comes into his own behind the decks. His sets, whether in big room New York venues, intimate Pittsburgh clubs, or Mutek Mexico afterparties, have been hailed as transformative and robust. Ondo / Gusto's years of dedicated practice have left him with the remarkable ability to please and adapt to any audience, the mark of a truly special DJ.