Pulso (2)



  • Pulso challenges the stablished structures in the musical framework since his style became more definitive, experimental, analogous and hypnotic, developing a unique imprint, based on minimalism and the collage method through home-made recordings.
    Pulso challenges the stablished structures in the musical framework since his style became more definitive, experimental, analogous and hypnotic, developing a unique imprint, based on minimalism and the collage method through home-made recordings. His project and musical focus exposes the objective of immersing the listener on his semantic field, going from psychical and cerebral music, to the most sci-fi & loopy danceable style through his productions and sessions. Pulso is part of the great Argentine scene providing musical legacies in renowned labels such as SRIE, Semantica, Tremsix, Antiterra, Mindtrip, KEY Vinyl and in its two new signatures: pvlso.ltd and Speculations LTD SRIE, where he delivers, in each release, quality music and concept, giving rise to physical edition releases. Since the end of 2022 a new label was born which is dedicated to the manufacture of cassettes and CDs called "Histéresis" where, together with his partner Uma Soundsystem, Pulso performs the position of mastering (Digital and Cassette) and graphic material for each edition, which are produced at home and manually and delivered to the globe; these editions can be found in his official bandcamp (/Pulsojoel) and in the official Histéresis account too. In parallel to his music and minimalist style of work, Joel Pulso develops cover arts under the name of Fractales DIY, formerly publisher of fanzines and handmade books, currently factory that spits out the crudest and surreal analog collages which are part of the catalog that defines his vision as an artist. https://soundcloud.com/pul_so https://pulsojoel.bandcamp.com/ https://www.instagram.com/pulsojoel/