


  • Razeed is a Techno Dj and producer, founder and manager of Geométrika FM. A musical proyect born in 2007, its leitmotiv : Techno to change the world, is a declaration of intent about the idea of uniting Techno music and social compromise.
    "I believe that Techno should be part of what happens in society, so, honoring our motto "Techno to change the World" we will donate % of the money collected through the label to Social Organizations." Razeed. From 2017/2018 Razeed donates 10% of his seasonal income to the social causes appointed by Geométrika FM. Razeed Tracks on: Geométrika FM, Redpoint Alert Records, Northallsen Records, Subsist Records, Betrieb Records, MFM Records, Visector Records, Dark Garden Recordings, LCR, Magnetic Netlabel, Cicuta Netlabel.

