


    • Altinbas, BMG, Centrific, Clarisa Kimskii, Daniel Bell, Detroit Techno Militia 2x4, DJ Hyperactive, Dustin Zahn, GiGi FM, Lindsey Herbert, Lonefront, Lychee, jay york, Neel, Overland, Polygonia, Rhyw, Rødhåd, Sandrien, Shaun J. Wright, Steve Rachmad, Wata Igarashi, AZA, Berndt, Forest Management, Furtive, Henry Chow, Jason Patrick, Kobe Dupree, Max Gardner, Ne/Re/A, PLEASURES (US), Ryote, Sard, ~~ (Tildetilde), agraybé, Beab, Christian James, Jeff Swiff, Chachi Guerrero, Circumscums, DJ Nola, Duck Trash, Elysium Alps, ficshe, Jacob Hoffman, Josh Tong, Kitty Spit, Merrick Brown, Miss Elaine Eos, Modest, Ms. Ed, Secret Raver, Steve Noah, Tekk Nikk, The GOAT

    • Tue, 20 Aug


      Aïsha Devi, Amnesia Scanner, Freeka Tet, Andrea, AYA, Ayesha, Bénédicte, Bored Lord, Ciel, Cobblestone Jazz, Daito Manabe, Dj Hermano, OJPB, Èbony, Ela Minus, Evian Christ, Factory Floor, Flabbergast, Fred Everything, G L O W Z I, Jacques (FR), Jordan GCZ, Kara-Lis Coverdale, Kode9, Korea Town Acid, Lamin Fofana, Liliane Chlela, Maara, Malibu (1), Marie Davidson, Mathew Jonson, Meuko! Meuko!, Mike Shannon, Murcof, Myriam Bleau, No Plexus, Nosaj Thing, Jacques Greene, Octo Octa, Persuasion (1), Piezo, Pole, Priori, Jek (US), Rhyw, Roman Flügel, Siete Catorce, Sinjin Hawke, Zora Jones, Softcoresoft, Steffi, TATI AU MIEL, Virginia, Waajeed, Zoe Mc Pherson, Alessandra Leone
Cover image for Rhyw




  • Like liquid mercury in a petri dish—slick, supple, and playfully disobedient—Rhyw’s music dazzles as it defies expectation.



