


  • RIFTS deftly weaves techno, jungle and hardcore into sets that are instinctive, unflinching and authentic.
    Through his upbringing in the dead center of nightlife culture, one could almost argue Berliner-by-Birth Rifts has been spoiled by exposure to clubbing. This early exposure has led Rifts to explore other areas of music from an early age. In fact, he is a classically trained musician and is able to combine this knowledge with his technical education as a Tonmeister (literally translates to Sound Master) and that is one of the traits that set him apart in an oversaturated market of producing DJs. He regularly gets to use his training, working the rig in one of the worlds most famous clubbing institutions as a sound technician, and this knowledge of how a club is supposed to sound translates to his own DJ Sets & productions. DJing is actually where he shines the most. Having collected a vast amount of records in his lifetime, Rifts doesn’t only thrill crowds through technical ability, he also makes other DJs drool over the tracks he’s actually playing. Whether weaving through Techno, House & Electro or banging out his Jungle & Hardcore 12s, Rifts always mixes with singular, surgical precision and is a pleasure to watch play. One of those DJs that simply have their own way of touching the mixer, and you can bet about every move being spot on. It’s not just DJing he practices with precision. With 2 storming EPs (one in collaboration with J.Manuel as Recursion) and a remix on Victor’s Magic Power label, an appearance on FJAAKs Spandau20 Label and more releases in the works for the future, Rifts has proven his attention to detail not only in the club but also on wax.