


  • After several bands and projects Salzinger took a deep dive into electronic music production. As his musical taste is not only centered around one genre, different phases emerge naturally.
    Being a child of the 80s and 90s Salzinger picked up a love for music early on. He was lucky enough to have access to a lot of different music thanks to his family working in a local record store. Being quite nerdy in nature, he developed an interest in making music himself and read lots of magazines on synthesizers and other studio gear. When he got his first computer he started composing, synthesizing and experimenting with samples. Friends joined and - being heavily influenced by the Hip Hop movement at the time - many freestyle sessions took place in his bedroom. Salzinger provided the beats and technical know-how while his friends jammed and freestyled along. The laid-back soulful music by the Native Tongues movement and affiliated Soulquarians should be noted here. Also, his love for roots reggae and dub music and the (soundsystem) culture around it began growing. Broadening his musical interests in his adolescence Salzinger started listening to and making electronic music. Different projects followed, such as joining a reggae band and an industrial-influenced electronica project (which is still alive as a different incarnation Mutinies). Later he formed the live duo ZOO (also known as Zone Ohne Obligationen) alongside the artist now known as Himbert. Together they improvised live sets leaning towards techno and house without the use of pre-recorded sequences, samples or laptops at a number of events and festivals. One of many highlights of that era was their gig at No Name Festival in Belgium. Relocating to Leipzig, Germany, a new phase with lots of production and experimenting was kicked off. Also, being in Berlin often at the time was stimulating and inspring for him, resulting in a new solo project, again relating to improvised live performances. Currently back in his hometown in the north of Germany, Salzinger is mainly working on further refining his production techniques and several projects that may be disclosed in the future. Been investigated in socal work for more than ten years he tried to help the community. He thinks that (self) study is one way to not only contribute to his own knowledge but also to others’. So he tries to lead a peaceful and sustainable life under the premise that setting a good example is a way to go. Education in simple or complex concepts may lead to the empowerment of others, or even society.


    Le Plsdfj (Winter Camp 5, ETUI Records)